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Lithuanian TOP CAT 2008
Date: 2009-01-14 19:07, previews: 2785 „Lithuanian TOP CAT 2008“ competition results
In this year contest requirements, rivalry and ratings were very high. We are very pleased that ranks of Lithuanians felinologysts are raising, quality of cats that we breed improves. Cats that were breeded and rose in our country become serious competitors in World and Internationals shows, thereby they glorify Lithuania. In this year contest for nominations competed 38 cats and 5 catteries. 5 nominations were awarded.
Winners of Best Male nomination:
1. RUS male, EC Christo Rosa Glauca, CZ, owner Asta Kazlauskienė – 2074 points.
2. CRX male, IC Pistache van Barkendonck, owner Agnė Laskytė – 2051 points.
3. RUS male, EC Aramis Mazoji Arka*LT, owner Asta Kazlauskienė – 1600 points.
4. ABY male, IC Amonasro`s Dante, owner Asta Kazlauskienė – 1571 points.
5. SPH male, EC Zlatosphynnx Arax, JW, owner Donatas Žakaris – 1416 points.
6. BRI male, GIC Antonio von Luanda – 1272
7. BEN male, IC Aleksis Crafty Bengals*LT – 1164
8. BRI male, Jingle Bells rosa Glauca, CZ – 926
9. CRX male, Y-Jive Ad Sarjanki – 954
Winners of Best Female nomination:
1. OSH female IC UA*Baltior Monoceros, owner Brigita Balčiūnaitė – 1851 ponits.
2. RUS female IC Bianca Mazoji Arka*LT , owner Asta Kazlauskienė – 1370 points.
3. CRX female IC Tidgi Fantastic Caress, owner Donatas Žakaris – 1320 points.
4. BRI female IC Paloma Picaso Roxera*LT, owner Algirdas Kaupa – 1295 points.
5. OSH female IC Babochka Luana Vodoley*RU, owner Brigita Balčiūnaitė – 946 points.
6. CRX female Bella Mia Tidgi Soft Kiss*LT – 899
7. SPH female IC Airida MaxNika – 674
8. CRX female IC Lopes Alterego*LT – 654
9. CRX female Charlotte Agnus*LT – 633
10. CRX female Beauty Agnus*LT – 362
Winners of Best Junior nomination:
1. SIA female, Halima Soft Kiss*LT, JW, owner Donatas Žakaris – 3245 points.
2. MCO male, CH Xantana z Larku, CZ, JW, owner Asta Kazlauskienė – 2740 points.
3. CRX male, CH Gianluca Soft Kiss*LT, owner Donatas Žakaris – 2260 points.
4. RUS female, Fortune Mazoji Arka*LT, owner Asta Kazlauskienė – 2046 points.
5. CRX male, IC PL*Catus De Lx Elion, owner Donatas Žakaris – 1970 points.
6. CRX female, NL*Pendragon`s Wanton Wench – 1930
7. OSL female, IC UA*Baltior Monoceros – 1880
8. KBL female, N*RGJ Cat`s Glasha – 1360
9. CRX female, Bonbon De Noble*LV – 1340
10. CRX male, Jingle Bells rosa Glauca, CZ – 1150
11. CRX female, Herejza Scarface, CZ – 1056
12. BEN female, Barbara Uxmal Maya Gold – 860
13. BRI female, Natalee Angel Guinevr, CZ – 744
14. CRX male, IC Pistache van Barkendonck – 710
15. SPH female, Airida MaxNika – 470
16. CRX female, Beauty Agnus*LT – 354
17. CRX female, Charlotte Agnus*LT – 352
Winners of Best Neuter nomination:
1. ABY male, PR Amonasro`s Dustin, owner Diana Pimpienė – 1334 points.
2. CRX female, PR IC Amiga Dagmara Agnus*LT, owner Agnė Laskytė – 959 points.
Winners of Best Cattery nomination:
1. CRX, SIA, SPH cattery “SOFT KISS*LT”, breeder Donatas Žakaris – 14 238 points.
2. ABY, MCO, RUS cattery “MAŽOJI ARKA*LT“, breeder Asta Kazlauskienė – 11 153 points.
3. BRI cattery “ROXERA*LT”, breeder Solana Izdūnytė – 3 437 points.
4. CRX cattery “Agnus*LT” – 3 017
5. CRX cattery “AlterEgo*LT” – 1 974 |
Registration to LFA "Bubastė" cat shows
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