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Tarptautinių kačių parodų Lietuvoje tvarkaraštis
Data: 2018-03-08 14:17, skaityta: 17435
KAUNAS Red castle cat show 2024 10 19/20 (2 dienos, 2 sertifikatai) 2024 10 19 ( 3 & 4 kategorijos katės ) = 2 sertifikatai 2024 10 20 ( 1 & 2 kategorijos katės) = 2 sertifikatai Parodos vieta (Cat Show Place): Pilies tak. 1, Raudondvaris 54127, Kauno raj.
Speciali paroda šeštadienį ir sekmadien/Special show Saturday & Sunday: „Red castle cat“ -all cats with EMS d are invited cats: Best kitten, best junior, best castrat male, best castrat female, best adult male, best adult female "Best family" male+ female+ kittens (kitten -minimum 1) from this couple;
Registracija /REGISTRATION spausti čia/open here from 15-08-2024 till 01-10-2024* * registracija gali būti nutraukta anksčiau nurodytos datos pasiekus reikiamą dalyvių skaičių/ registration may be closed early upon reaching the number of participants Registracija pratęsta iki reikiamo dalyvių skaičiaus Registracijos kainos/Registration prices Nuolaidos/Special discounts: *Kiekviena kita to pačio savininko katė – su 5 EU nuolaida (VĖLYVAI REGISTRACIJAI NETAIKOMA)
Parodos mokestis surenkamas į šią sąskaitą/ Cat show fees must be prepaid to LFA "BUBASTĖ" bank account: Company name/Pavadinimas Lietuvos felinologų draugija Bubaste Company code/Įm. kodas 291359940 Bank account/IBAN: / sąskaita LT197300010002251375 Bank: Swedbank Bank code: BIC-HABALT22
Dėl kačių eksponavimo parodos metu ir kita svarbi informacija 10. Registruodamasis asmuo sutinka, kad būtų tvarkomi jo duomenys, viešinamos jo ir katės vaizdinė medžiaga ir įsipareigoja laikytis FIFe ir LFD Bubastė taisyklių ir nutarimų. 11.Ribotas dalyvių skaičius. Organizatorius turi teisę atmesti paraišką nenurodant motyvų
Viešbučio pasiūlymas dalyviams/ Hotel proposal for exhibitors Informacija lankytojams/More information for show visitors Rėmėjai ir prizai/ sponsors and prizes ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Show cages: exhibitor can use personal cage (sturdy) if anounced in registration time. Sturdy cage must be correct size according show rules and must be with clear, transparent window in front of cage/sturdy. Every exhibitor responsible that every cat inside the sturdy/cage must be easy visible for visitors. ------------------------------------------------ Entry: VETERINARY CONTROL AND CHECK IN will be divided by cattegories and will be anounced before show: Cat show hall for exhibitors will be open Saturday from 8 a.m. Sunday: from 8 a.m. Changes of colours of your cat can be registered in the Secretariat only until 9:00am.
All cats must have microchip or tatto and valid Pet Passport , be healthy and free from infections and parasites. It is obligatory for all cats to have valid vaccination acording rules (vaccinated against rabies, respiratory viral diseases and panleucopenia). All white cats must have a certificate stating that the cat is not deaf. All cats must have their nails cut before the show. FIFe and LFA "Bubaste" rules apply at all times. Cats cannot stay in the show-hall overnight. Cats must be in decorated cages until the official end of the show! Only the cats vetted in and described in the catalogue can be presented in the show hall. All the exhibitors must conduct themselves accordingly to the show rules. Exhibitors are responsible for the health and behavior of their cats at all times. Judges decisions are final and cannot be disputed. ------------------------------------------------------- N.B. All cat owners, exhibitors, visitors, guests must meet the COVID rules requirements. ******************************************* Judging distribution show schedule ___________________________ Dėl apgyvendinimo:
Dėl apgyvendinimo: VICTORIA HOTEL KAUNAS
2025 04 Kaunas Spring show 04 2024 ( 3 & 4 kategorijos katės ) = 2 sertifikatai 04 2024 ( 1 & 2 kategorijos katės) = 2 sertifikatai Parodos vieta: EKSPOZICIJŲ SALĖ Vakarinė galerija 4 salė Pramonės pr. 16, LT-51186 Kaunas
Registracija atidaryta nuo 2024 01 16 iki 2024 03 23 arba kol passieksime reikamą dalyvių skaičių TeisėjaiJudges:
Nuolaidos/Special discounts: *Kiekviena kita to pačio savininko katė -5 EU nuolaida (VĖLYVAI REGISTRACIJAI NETAIKOMA)
Specialūs šou /Special show : Vyks TOP CAT , NATIONAL WINNER apdovanojimaiNational winner awards, TOP CAT awards Best grooming "Best matured male" "Best matured female" - from age 3 years.
10. Dalyvis privalo laikytis FIFe ir LFD Bubastė taisyklių ir nutarimų.
------------------------------------------------ Entry: VETERINARY CONTROL AND CHECK IN will be divided by cattegories and will be anounced before show: Cat show hall for exhibitors will be open Saturday from 8 a.m. Sunday: from 8 a.m. Changes of colours of your cat can be registered in the Secretariat only until 9:00am.
All cats must have microchip or tatto and valid Pet Passport , be healthy and free from infections and parasites. It is obligatory for all cats to have valid vaccination acording rules (vaccinated against rabies, respiratory viral diseases and panleucopenia). All white cats must have a certificate stating that the cat is not deaf. All cats must have their nails cut before the show. FIFe and LFA "Bubaste" rules apply at all times. Cats cannot stay in the show-hall overnight. Cats must be in decorated cages until the official end of the show! Only the cats vetted in and described in the catalogue can be presented in the show hall. All the exhibitors must conduct themselves accordingly to the show rules. Exhibitors are responsible for the health and behavior of their cats at all times. Judges decisions are final and cannot be disputed. ------------------------------------------------------- N.B. All cat owners, exhibitors, visitors, guests must meet the COVID rules requirements.
******************************************* Apgyvendinimas Parodos dalyviams rekomenduojame VICTORIA HOTEL KAUNAS apgyvendinimą už specialią kainą Kontaktai dėl kambarių rezervacijos su specialia nuolaida tik rezervuojant šiuo el paštu (pažymėkite, kad esate parodos dalyvis)
KAUNAS Kačių vasara/ Baltijos banga Summer show /Baltic wave 2024 liepos 13/14 (2 dienos, 3 sertifikatai) Universiteto g. 10c Akademija, Kauno rajonas LT-53361
Registracija atidaryta nuo gegužės 11 iki birželio 30 dienos Registracijos kainos/Registration prices Nuolaidos/Special discounts: *Kiekviena kita to pačio savininko katė -5 EU nuolaida (VĖLYVAI REGISTRACIJAI NETAIKOMA) Speciali kaina jei registruojamasi trims sertifikatams -----------------
____________________________ NB: Cancellations until the closing date anounced above. Entries must be payed if no cancelled in correct time. Cat show fees must be prepaid to LFA “Bubaste” bank account IBAN: LT197300010002251375 (full information Dėl kačių eksponavimo parodos metu 10. Dalyvis privalo laikytis FIFe ir LFD Bubastė taisyklių ir nutarimų.
Registracija į LFD "Bubastė" kačių parodas
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